Интернет-магазин секонд-хенд одежды

9. Poshmark

This site is the best for shoppers who love changing their closet seasonally. It is a giant clothing swap, and you can spend time online with your friends going through their listings. They have endless listings, and you could decide to trade the clothes or swap them up for a smaller price. Poshmark provides you with a wide range of selection for both your closet and larger boutiques.

Moreover, the website provides purchase protection which guarantees you a refund if you do not receive your order or if your parcel does not match what you ordered. You can shop from Poshmark through its site app available on Google Play or iTunes store. You should never be afraid of making inquiries if the information provided on the listing is not enough or not useful enough.

You can even ask the sellers to show you more photos of the items to ensure that you are sure of what you are about to order. Their departments include men, women, kids, jewelry, accessories, and bags. Their collection ranges from Coach to Forever 21, and you may land on one of these brands’ designers and many others depending on your luck.

15. Material World

This is the perfect online store for women looking for pre-owned designer clothes at an affordable price. Material World has a variety of dresses, shoes, and handbags. Their items are well inspected by experts before listing them online for customers to browse through and purchase. The best part is that shipping and return of purchase are free. Their departments include clothing, accessories, shoes, and bags.

16. Depop

Depop is another online resource where people all over the world go to sell their clothing items. Often, Depop is used for more niche clothing items, like certain designer shoes, specific artist t-shirts, and high-fashion jackets. However, you can still find practically anything else on the site, too, just depending on who is selling what.

On Depop, people will make profiles that show everything the seller currently has listed as well as everything they’ve sold in the past. You can comment and like the posts to show sellers your interests, as well as follow the seller in case they often have pieces that you’re interested in. Some people make a living selling their pieces off Depop, so you genuinely never know what used clothing items you’re going to find.

12. Etsy

This store is best for confident shoppers or shoppers with in-depth knowledge of what they are looking for. This is because shopping on this site requires extra effort. Etsy is almost similar to how you would shop in an offline store with stuffed racks, and you have to locate the exact item you need. The platform has some so-so stores and some knockouts that will need you to be super patient to find them.

They include Millay Vintage, EELT, Barnaby Jack, and Wear It all of which are most people’s favorite, and the individual with the highest level of patience lands on the best deal. The best way to quickly get the best deal is by searching based on what you are specifically looking for or the category of the store you wish to land on.

This is based on your style; for example, if you have a southwest style, you should look for a fringe belt or a suede vest.

If you love the feminine style, go for something like vintage or pillbox hats for summer. Once you enter the specific category in the search box, you will have a display of all items under those categories, and you can quickly select what you want from there.

5. Tradesy

Tradesy is an ideal shopping place for people who love high-quality clothing without getting the shifting to the designers. There is an item for every sporting brand such as Eileen Fischer and club Monaco. There are also designer clothes which come at a throwaway price, and you should never feel bad for deciding to treat yourself with one of those items from time to time.

Every brand has a different page making it easy for you to go directly to the exact designer brand you would wish to shop for. They feature departments such as dresses, tops, activewear, jeans, and even a wedding department. The store guarantees you 100 percent authenticity on their listed products and thanks to their return policy, you could return items that did not match your needs and expectations.

11. Asos Marketplace

This online store is rich in vintage pieces and a variety of clothing options. It gathers its items from hundreds of boutiques, and therefore, they have something for everyone. They have the best deals to cover everyone’s favorite brand from shoes, pants, and hoodies not forgetting accessories such as glasses and lenses.

Their second-hand clothes include a mix of individual sellers and independent designers. It is an ideal marketplace for anyone who wishes to improve their closet at a budget. You can also gift your friend with a classy outfit from Asos Marketplace. They deal with women’s and men’s outfits.

4. eBay

eBay is known as the best online marketplaces for used and secondhand clothes, and it remains at the top for having an impressive inventory for numerous items such as clothing and accessories. Most retailers and wholesalers love listing their items on eBay, and it is, therefore, easy to get any attire that you would want from this online market platform.

You will enjoy shopping at eBay because you can get any kind of attire for everyone in your family including women, men, kids, and baby items. Second-hand clothes look as good as new and they are well inspected before being displayed on their site for viewing. eBay offers discounts on some items which help you save on every item you would want to buy. They have men, women, kids, and vintage clothing departments.


Адрес магазина: Санкт-Петербург, Казанская улица, 7

Где купить онлайн: Fatcatshop

Готовые (крутецкие!) образы до 6 000 рублей? Да, пожалуйста! В магазинчике продают одежду, книги, украшения, пластики. А ещё принимают вещи на комиссию. Вещи с фотографий можно купить по отдельности. Многое из одежды и аксессуаров от неизвестных брендов, поэтому продают за приятную цену. Например, есть солнцезащитные очки за 800 рублей, пиджак за 3 000 рублей. Встречаются и бренды, например джинсы Levi’s, они стоят чуть дороже.

Купленные вещи обмену и возврату не подлежат. Оформить заказ из другого города можно через личные сообщения.

Наша Лавка

13 российских брендов с купальниками для бассейна, моря и летних вечеринок

27 российских брендов с душистой, расслабляющей и просто красивой косметикой для ванны

28 российских брендов с ароматами для дома от свечей до благовоний

12 российских брендов кроссовок: от бюджетного массмаркета до пошива по меркам

27 российских брендов с сумами и рюкзаками, от практичных до утончённых

20 российских брендов обуви от массмаркета до локальных ателье

Ophélie vintage

Адрес магазина: нет

Где купить онлайн: Ophélie vintage

Онлайн-секонд-хенд Ophélie vintage напоминает гардероб аристократки из прошлого века. Здесь можно найти блузы с вышитыми воротниками, винтажные свадебные и вечерние платья, маленькие клатчи. Владелица честно рассказывает, если у вещи есть какой-то недостаток. Платье можно купить в пределах 5000 рублей (некоторые брендовые), блузы в районе 3000. За сумками придётся поохотиться, разбирают их довольно быстро.

Посылки в другие города доставляют почтой. Вещь можно забронировать на четыре дня за 20% предоплаты. Покупки и бронь отменить нельзя, вернуть и обменять — тоже. В магазине просят учитывать это и оформлять заказ, только если точно уверены.

10. ThredUP

This is the best online store for anyone who is unsure of his/her style. It is the largest online fashion resale store for women, kids, and youths. It has the best deals on all your favorite clothing brands. ThredUP features a variety of options from total steals to designer threads, but the best thing you will love about them is the personal shopper option whereby, you can shop depending on your style and preferences.

What’s even better, if you are unsure of what you want or you are tired of scrolling down the listings pages, you can let them do it for you. They are experts at selecting the right clothes after observing your needs. They can also advise you on the best and the latest deals giving you suggestions on what might work best on you.

They offer free shipping for items that are over $79. If you purchase clothes worth $150 and above on a given month, you will get free shipping for that particular month. You can easily find any kind of attire from petite, plus size, maternity to kids’ clothes.


Адрес магазина: Москва, Столешников пер., 7с3, первый подъезд

Где купить онлайн: Архиватор

Магазин «Архиватор» запустили музыкант Виталий Зимин и художница Полина Коновалова. Они путешествуют по миру и привозят вещи с блошиных рынков, благотворительных магазинов, секонд-хендов, антикварных лавок. Здесь можно найти всё что душе угодно, в том числе и знаменитые бренды. Например, туфли Prada или клипсы Givenchy. Цены на такие вещи, конечно, немалые. Но в каталоге есть также джинсы Levi’s за 4 000 рублей, платья за 3–4 тысячи. Кроме того, здесь можно найти множество интересных безделушек: чайники, ремни, солнцезащитные очки, шкатулки, панно. Есть даже книга Sex and the City на английском языке! У магазина свой сайт, внутри много фильтров, в том числе ценовой диапазон и раздел со скидками.

Все вещи можно заказать прямо на сайте. Доставка курьером или «Почтой России» обойдётся в 500 рублей. Для посылки больше 10 килограммов тариф может быть увеличен.

14. Vinted

This marketplace is the best for anyone who is stranded on how to spend his/her money. From this store, you can get a designer skirt such as Forever 21 going for only 5 dollars and a fabulous designer dress at 90 dollars. Vinted has a variety of options for you from brands such as Calvin Klein, Urban Outfitters to Michael Kors.

The best part about this second-hand clothes store is that they have a variety of on-trend pieces so if you are looking to add a recent fad to your closet on a budget; this is the ideal place for you. They also offer the swap option which allows you to get those stylish attires without spending a lot of money.

3. The Real Real

This luxury consignment has been taking second-hand clothing to the next level. This is because of the authenticity inspections are done on every designer item before it is displayed for the customers to buy. The Real Real has a team of apparel experts that carry out a thorough inspection of every piece.

You will love their offers on every First look members’ which includes getting early access to sales and monthly promotions. They will send you a free consignment kit that comes with labels in case you decide to sell your items with them. Also, they handle all the product descriptions, photography, order shipments, and authentication which enhance confidentiality and ease to use. The store is one of the best places due to its easy search features.

It is also easy to navigate through the site as you look for the particular department and category that you wish to shop from. All the items are well listed with their prices, offers, and promotions if there are any. All you have to do is click on the items you love, make an order, and expect the items to reach you within a short period.

13. SnobSwap

SnobSwap is best for designer clothes lovers. It is a giant consignment store that allows you to shop from the comfort of your couch. You will enjoy scrolling down the site’s countless pages as you view the numerous offers that they have for you at a throwaway price.

They mostly deal with bags, boots, jackets, and designer dresses. You can shop within seconds and receive your comfortable dress or jacket to attend that party in your neighborhood.

The discounts and offers are friendly as well. If you are not sure of where to start, you can check their collection page first and view the clothes based on categories which include Re-boot your wardrobe’ and the best scarves. This gives you an easier and more accessible way to land on the best deals.

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